Teaching and Mentoring

Petit Mentor

Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, 2018-2019

Kent Yamamoto, Petit Scholar for 2019 (left), Yash Chitalia, mentor for 2019 (right).

I have mentored two Petit Undergraduate Research Schloars in the years 2018-2019 and helped introduce medical robotics research to two very talented and capable young researchers. Both scholars have submitted/published papers to peer-reviewed conferences and journals.

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In 2018, I helped my first scholar in the design and development of a simulated environment for the testing of the neuroendoscope tool in ROS and Unity. Her fellowship resulted in a conference paper submitted to IROS 2019, held in November 2019 in Macau China.
In 2019, this work was continued by the second Petit scholar (Mr. Kent Yamamoto, in the image above). Kent was responsible for designing a realistic phantom brain model from hydrogel and creating a simulated environment for the testing of the robotic tool. He has also successfully created an electrocautery tool for the robot. Kent's prototype brain model is successfully able to replicate the elasticity of brain matter (E = 1.8 ± 0.5 kPa). We successfully finished Kent's Petit mentorship with a submission to Transactions on Robotics journal.

ME 2110 - Head Teaching Assistant

George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, 2016-2018

Robots competing in the ME 2110 Final robot competition, Fall 2017.

I have been one of the two head teaching assistants leading a team of over 20-30 teaching assistants in the ME 2110: Creative Decisions and Design class for two years between 2016-2018. In this class, I was responsible for teaching sophomore year ME students mechatronics, machining, and the construction of a basic robot to participate in a competition held at the end of every semester.

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Each semester this class has approximately 200-300 students divided into about 60-70 teams. At the end of each term the teams compete with each other for a grand prize. My teams have won first prize in the competition and top points for ingenuity of their robot's designs.

Crowds gather every semester to watch ME 2110 competitions.